Majolica Mania Sponsorship Information
The teams at the Walters and at BGC have been tremendous partners. They have generously shared research with us at our annual meetings and they have produced lectures for scholars and the general public. They have turned to us for our experience with the material as collectors and connoisseurs and they have welcomed us to their institutions for special events. Collaboratively, these institutions are executing a two-volume catalogue on all aspects of the design, making, and dissemination of majolica that will no doubt become a definitive resource for a generation.
An exhibition and catalogue produced with the highest level of expertise takes considerable financial support. The current budget for the preparatory work and the catalogue is $880,000, which includes the costs of research and related travel; professional photography and permissions for reproduction; and design fees for the catalogue. Most of the installation, marketing, and administrative expenses are over and above this number.
The members of the MIS board have recognized the value of this project and all of us have made financial commitments in support of the effort, contributing an average of $40,000 each. Some of you have joined us in supporting the exhibition. Thank you. Our contributions, combined with support from foundations and other private sources connected with the Walters and BGC, now total just over $700,000.
The challenge for us as members of the Majolica International Society and lovers of majolica is to raise the remaining $180,000. We can meet this challenge if we all become a sponsor of this extraordinary project. You may recall receiving a letter in March detailing the ways you can support. Premium MIS sponsorship packages are available at the $10,000 to $25,000 level. Benefits for sponsorships can include VIP receptions, special gifts, as well as individual listings in the catalogue and on-site. Additional sponsorship packages begin at $500. The tax-deductible value of your contribution depends on the benefits you receive. Pledges are welcome if you would like to pay at a later date or if you would like to split your contribution over two tax-years.
Sponsorship opportunities are detailed at the end of this email. For more information on how to become a Majolica Maniasponsor, please contact Ashley Mancinelli at the Walters Art Museum at amancinelli@thewalters.org 410-246-8387 or Benjamin Krevolin at Bard Graduate Center at benjamin.krevolin@bgc.bard.edu, 212-501-3072.
In acknowledgement for our collective fundraising efforts, Majolica International Society will not only be credited in the catalogue and at the Walters and at Bard Graduate Center, but we will have the opportunity to display MIS materials at the venues so that we can grow our membership. This is a real win-win for all of us. We hope you are as excited about this opportunity as we are and we look forward to celebrating the success of this project in 2020.