Benefits of Membership
International Society Meetings
Every eighteen months, a meeting of the society’s membership is held in conjunction with major antiques event and features member presentations, home tours of prominent collectors, museum events, gala dinner, and talks by premier ceramic authorities from both sides of the Atlantic. You will meet the world’s most knowledgeable and impassioned group of majolica enthusiasts. Convention details and Registration information are posted on the website as arrangements are made.
Majolica Heaven
Conducted along with the International Convention is an exhibition and sale of Victorian majolica from the world’s foremost dealers. “MAJOLICA HEAVEN” presents thousands of pieces of English, American, French and other Continental majolica in a dazzling display. The first 2 hours of the sale are reserved for membership only. View photos from prior Majolica Heavens.
Timely eMail Broadcasts of Majolica News
The Society publishes MajolicaMAIL to keep members up to date on the latest happenings in the world regarding majolica. This push of information from our majolica network and into your eMail box happens regularly as events develop. If you want information on auction announcements, auction results, dealer schedules, member notices or just plain web facts about majolica internet sites; then MajolicaMAIL is the way to get informed and stay informed in a timely fashion.
Quarterly Society Newsletter
The Society publishes “Majolica Matters”, a newsletter on majolica containing auction announcements and results, regional meetings of Society members, and dealers’ schedules for upcoming shows. Feature articles present research findings about majolica, colorful stories by fellow collectors and dealers, information about majolica-laden antiquing tours, “News from London”, and other material pertaining to a Life with Majolica! Read a sample of Majolica Matters!
Karmason & Stacke-Graham Library and other Web Resources
Society members will have access to the Majolica International Society Intranet site. This “Members-ONLY” web space houses the Karmason Library, a searchable database of majolica forms containing more than 10,000 entries, each with detailed information and high-resolution photographs. Past issues of “Majolica Matters” and a host of other reference material is cataloged for the convenience of the membership.
Regional Meetings
These local community meetings introduce the collectors to one another, with the shared interest being (almost!) more important than finding unique pieces for themselves.